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Current Board Members
Yifeng Shi
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Yifeng is a postdoctoral researcher at Ti lab, UC Berkeley. Her postdoctoral research focuses on the design and synthesis of DNA nanostructures, along with their hybridizations with inorganic nanocrystals to create functional materials with customized properties. Outside research, she enjoys reading, gardening, and making crafts. More about her can be found at findyifeng.com.
Adrian van Kan
Adrian is a postdoctoral researcher in the Knobloch group at UC Berkeley working on numerical simulations and theory of turbulent fluid flows in geo- and astrophysical systems, including planetary atmospheres, oceans, climate and flows within planetary cores. In his spare time, he enjoys learning foreign languages, swimming, and singing.
M. Fernanda (feña) Palominos
Integrative Biology
Feña is a National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) K99/R00 Postdoctoral fellow in the Martin lab at UC Berkeley. Her postdoctoral research focuses on understanding the genomic basis of craniofacial and sensory diversity using pupfish adaptive radiations as her study systems. In her spare time, feña enjoys biking, dancing, painting, and hiking. You can learn more about her at fishfena.github.io
Sam Lewin
Mechanical Engineering
Sam is a postdoctoral researcher in the Kaminski lab working on the fundamental fluid dynamics of geophysical and environmental flows, with applications to models of small-scale ocean processes. He enjoys cycling in the Berkeley Hills, running, and cooking.
Collin Steen
Chemistry and QB3
Collin is a postdoctoral researcher in the Ke Xu lab in the College of Chemistry. His postdoctoral research employs methods from optical and single-molecule microscopy to uncover the design principles of photosynthetic membranes. Outside of the lab, Collin enjoys hiking, listening to podcasts, and traveling.