Ethical Principles of the Berkeley Postdoctoral Association

The Berkeley Postdoctoral Association (BPA) is committed to developing an environment that is welcoming and inclusive of all Postdocs, Visiting Scholars, and Visiting Student Researchers (“Postdocs”) on campus. All our activities are undertaken with a commitment to the principles articulated in the UC Berkeley’s resources on diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging & justice.

The Association’s goal is to facilitate connections, networking, and communication among Postdocs with different backgrounds and areas of expertise, while promoting the principles of academic freedom, inclusivity, and the value of diversity. The BPA strives to create a friendly, egalitarian, and enjoyable atmosphere on campus, as well as open and respectful forms of communication and dialogue.  

The Association is committed to ensuring that all individuals who participate in the BPA, including its activities and board, are not subject to discrimination on the basis of their ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, religion, disability, political affiliation, or sexual orientation. The organization upholds these principles following the University of California Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment

The BPA also takes a stand against all forms of harassment and revictimization that adheres to the Whistleblower policy, designed to protect individuals who report such behavior. The Association recognizes the importance of supporting survivors of what is defined as Second Orden Violence, which includes any reprisals directed to individuals who advocate for survivors and speak out against discrimination and harassment. 

The BPA is committed to addressing any concerns related to diversity, equity, and inclusion that are raised by or involve BPA participants, in accordance with UC Berkeley policies and available mechanisms.

The Ethical Principles of the Berkeley Postdoctoral Association might be modified and updated over time through the usual procedures of the Association.

Links to available resources

The DEI committee in the BPA invites the Postdoc community to consider resources available on campus regarding harassment, discrimination, and sexual violence, or any other uncomfortable situations.

  • This is the UC Berkeley website dedicated to Addressing Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment. It includes options for prevention engagement, support resources, data on SVSH, policies and reporting options:

  • This is the website for the Berkeley Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination (OPHD). It oversees campus compliance with UC and UC Berkeley polices against discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment and violence:

  • The PATH to Care Center is the Confidential Support Service at UC Berkeley. They are committed to Prevention, Advocacy, Training, and Healing (PATH). They also offer urgent support through a Care Line available 24/7 at 510-643-2005

  • This is the website of the Ombuds Office for Students & Postdoctoral Appointees, which help at any time during a conflict. They offer tips and techniques, as well as policies and resources:

  • This website brings you to the UC Whistleblower Policy. Whistleblowers are encouraged to report any misuse of University resources and the University of California is responsible to protect them from retaliation for makes such reports:

  • This is the website of the Title IX of the Education Amendment Act, the US legislation (signed in 1972) that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs receiving federal funding. Many complaints for SVSH in US universities are based on this legislation: