About PTOP


The Postdoc Teaching Opportunities Program (PTOP) will allow UC Berkeley postdocs across all disciplines to acquire experience and expertise in teaching college level courses at community colleges, liberal arts colleges, and universities in the Bay Area.


Teaching experience is an increasingly important aspect of obtaining tenure-track and faculty positions in higher education. However, it is difficult for postdoctoral fellows to obtain this experience, especially compared to graduate student instructors (GSIs). At UC Berkeley, there is currently no program that specifically assists postdocs that wish to gain experience in teaching college level courses. In addition, there is a lack of transparency regarding the rules and regulations of postdoc teaching positions. The PTOP program aims to address these issues and improve teaching opportunities for postdocs at UC Berkeley.

Current PTOP Board Members

Co-Chair: Qiye Zheng

Department: Mechanical Engineering & LBNL

Research: Thermal transport in materials and metrology development

Website: Research publicationsGroup

Co-chair: Zaw Htet

Department: UC Berkeley Molecular and Cell Biology, qB3 Berkeley 

Research: Protein degradation machineries

Co-chair: Molly Kozminsky

Department: QB3

Research: DNA-directed patterning and microenvironments of metastasis

Website: Publications

Past PTOP Board Members

Nury Olaya; Currently at Biomedical and Biological Sciences, Rosario University, Colombia 
Miriam Allena (Environmental Law and Administrative Law)

Andrew Green; Currently at UC Berkeley Career Center

Marta Vuckovic; (NST)

Alexandru Groza (History)

Anna Hennessey (Philosophy)

Ryo Higuchi-Sanabria (MCB)

Mohammad Azin (Bioenginerring)

Liang Mei (Business)

Cheng Su (Law)

Ying Qin (Civil and Environmental Engineering)

Yu Luo (Center for Chinese Studies)

Lorena de Onate (QB3)

Annis Richardson (PMB)

Rebecca Clark (IB)

Megan Brophy (Chemistry/QB3)

Michael Herman (Geography)

Anthony Odero (ESPM)

Linda Rubinstein (MCB)

Stephanie Child (Sociology)

Patty Siri-Tarino (CHORI)

PTOP  Founders

Anne Bakker, Ph.D - Visiting Scholars and Standford PostDocs 

Dermot Donneley, Ph.D - Assistant professor at Cal State Fresno

Natalia Caporale, Ph.D - Lecturer at UC Davis

Sam Castañeda, M.A. - Former VSPA Director